Reports from Thailand suggest that the tickets of the two men, routing them to Amsterdam via Beijing, had been bought through a Thai travel agent and an Iranian middleman. 来自泰国的报道表明,这两人从家泰国旅行社和伊朗籍的中间人手里购得经由北京飞往阿姆斯特丹的机票。
It appears you do need a reliable partner, agent, or other middleman to help you create and stabilize your finances. 这表明,你确实需要一个可靠的伙伴、客户或其他中间人帮你创造和稳定你的财务。
Again, an agent, headhunter, spouse, or other middleman will likely be instrumental in your success. 再一次,一个代理,猎头,配偶,或者是中间人可能会对你的成功产生帮助。
Expect help from a broker, spouse, agent, lawyer, job broker, or other middleman. 除了来自经纪人、发起人、客户、律师、工作介绍人或其他中间人的帮助。